• What to Know About Buying in 2024

    What to Know About Buying in 2024 Email

    That Marketing Blueprint: January

    H.O.M.E.S. Marketing: Email

    What to Know About Buying  in the Real Estate Market in 2024

    In the dynamic landscape of real estate in 2024, potential homebuyers are faced with a myriad of considerations—from soaring rental rates to fluctuating interest rates. If you are thinking of buying this year, here are some things you need to know!

    1. Renting vs. Buying: It’s a Personal Decision

    There’s an ongoing debate about whether it’s better to rent or buy in the current market conditions. Despite high-interest rates, renting might not be the cost-effective option it once was. Rental rates are soaring and are expected to continue rising. For those with the financial capacity—downpayment, good credit score, and means to buy—it may be more beneficial to invest in homeownership. With renting, you’re essentially paying someone else’s mortgage.

    2) “Marry the House. Date the Rate.”

    The resurgence of this real estate mantra emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the property over the interest rate. While interest rates are expected to decrease in 2024, securing your dream home should be the primary focus. Additionally, the flexibility of refinancing in the future allows homeowners to adjust their interest rates as market conditions change.

    3) Pre-Approval: Your Key to Informed Decisions

    Higher interest rates mean reduced buying power. Therefore, obtaining a pre-approval before embarking on your home search is crucial. Knowing your financial limits will guide you in making informed decisions and ensure you don’t waste time exploring properties that are beyond your means.

    4) Negotiation Power in a Slower Market

    The market slowdown due to higher interest rates has created a unique advantage for buyers—increased negotiating power. In 2024, buyers have the opportunity to implement strategies like negotiating a lower purchase price, requesting closing credits, and addressing inspection-related items. Seize this moment to make the most of your investment.

    5) The Indispensable Role of a Real Estate Agent

    Regardless of market conditions, hiring a real estate agent remains a critical step in the home-buying process. A skilled agent brings expertise, market knowledge, and negotiation skills to the table. In a market where strategic decision-making is key, having a professional advocate on your side can make a significant difference.

    As you embark on your homebuying journey in 2024, remember that knowledge is your greatest ally. If you find yourself contemplating the prospect of homeownership this year, I’m here to guide you through the process. Whether it’s clarifying your financial standing, strategizing negotiations, or simply providing expert advice, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your dream home awaits, and I’m here to ensure your path to it is both smooth and rewarding. Call me today, and let’s make your homeownership aspirations a reality.

  • Interest Rates Story/Reel

    Interest Rates Story/Reel

    That Marketing Blueprint: January 

    H.O.M.E.S. Marketing: Social Engagement


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  • New Year’s Resolutions Story/Reel

    New Year's Resolutions Story/Reel

    That Marketing Blueprint: January 

    H.O.M.E.S. Marketing: Social Engagement


    Download all pages as a PNG for static images to post to your Instagram or Facebook stories. 


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  • Best Way to Beat the Cold Story/Reel

    Best Way to Beat the Cold Story/Reel

    That Marketing Blueprint: January 

    H.O.M.E.S. Marketing: Social Engagement


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  • 3 Ways to Save for a Downpayment Email

    3 Ways to Save for Your Downpayment Email

    That Marketing Blueprint: January

    H.O.M.E.S. Marketing: Email

    3 Ways to Help Save Up Money this year for your Downpayment

    If buying a home is on your list of New Year’s resolutions, it is time to start thinking of saving up for that downpayment. The good news is there are loan options that allow for as low as a 3% downpayment, but typically the more money you put down, the better your loan product and rate. You can start saving up for your downpayment this month with these three tips. 

    Make a budget. Start by tracking all of your spending for at least a month. This will help you get an idea of where your money is going and where you can cut back. Once you have an idea of where you can cut back, make a budget of your fixed and variable expenses. This will help you plan for savings and make sure you stay within your budget. 

    Open a high-interest savings account. Look for a bank that offers a high-interest savings account and transfer your savings into it. With a high-interest savings account, you can earn more money on your savings and grow your down payment more quickly. 

    Automate your savings. Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account. This will ensure that you are regularly saving money each month, and it will make it easier to reach your down payment goal.