You are almost there! But there is still more to do before you cross that finish line.

Many times, after the inspection, issues will arise that result in another round of negotiations. You may request the seller does repair work or ask for a credit in lieu of repair work. Try to only bring your biggest issues to the forefront. Sellers tend to be less agreeable when you come to them with a laundry list of items and usually pick the smallest ones. 

Once final negotiations, the appraisal, and the title search have all been completed your loan will be submitted it to underwriting for final approval. Underwriting will do a final review to make sure all conditions are met and the loan is solid before approval. Expect loan approval to come close to closing. 

At least three days prior to closing, you should receive your Closing Disclosure. This is a disclosure your lender is required to provide to you showing the final loan terms and all the closing costs associated with your loan, as well as the final amount you will need to bring to closing. You should review this and direct any questions to the lender immediately. 

Now you are ready…It’s time to schedule that closing and become a homeowner!