Why should sellers have a REALTOR®? I have heard the story…”I can do it on my own.” Especially in this market where houses are flying off the shelves, can’t anyone stick a sign in a yard and get it sold? Maybe, but there is so much more to it then that. If you didn’t read my last post about why buyers should use a REALTOR®, click over real quick and read point #5. IT IS THEIR JOB! THEY ARE THE PROFESSIONAL! But if you need a few more bullet points on it, here you go…

  • Pricing it Right. You can’t just stick a sign in the yard and have your house sold in a day if it isn’t priced right. Regardless of what you hear about the market, there are still homes sitting for a month or more because they are priced ridiculously high. Eventually, someone buys them and then they sit with fingers crossed that it will appraise because there are no comparables to back up the price. Realtors know the market, they have access to comparables, and they know how to interpret the comparables. Pricing your home right is the first step to a successful sale, so trust an expert!
  • Legwork. There is so much to do before a house goes under contract. Staging, photos, flyers, a comprehensive MLS listing, showings, multiple offers, negotiating, choosing an offer. Do you really want to do all that? If sellers really realized all the effort before the house even goes under contract, I don’t think they would ever question hiring a REALTOR® again.
  • Marketing to the Masses. Yes, people will see a sign driving by. And yes, people will see the post on Zillow. But think of all the other places your REALTOR® can advertise to. For example, the MLS is probably the most effective place to put a listing, and they have access to it. Realtor.com is said to be a huge resource for those looking for a new home, and it pulls straight from your agent’s MLS. And I am going to bet your agent knows more people in the real estate industry than you do. They may know someone who has a buyer for your very property.
  • Negotiations – Selling your home doesn’t just stop once you find a buyer. You still have to work through title, inspection, appraisal, etc, which begin another slew of negotiation opportunities. An agent is clever about how to make these work for you.
  • Higher Price – Speaking of negotiation skills…I have no doubt a REALTOR® is going to work to get you a higher price for your home. It starts with pricing it right and making the advertising attractive. This will bring in more willing and able buyers from all those sources your agent is advertising with. More buyers means more potential offers which means more potential profit for you. Isn’t that incentive enough?!

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