Once photos of your home is completed, marketing is prepared, and the sign is in the front yard, you are ready to put your home on the market! In addition to the MLS, you can ask your agent to make your listing available on syndication sites like Realtor.com and Zillow. 

Showings will soon begin on your home. It is helpful to make yourself as flexible as possible for showings to accommodate potential buyers. Be sure to keep your home show ready as much as possible during this time period. It might even be wise to make plans to be away the first weekend if you anticipate it will be really busy. 

You prepped your home for to get the best photos, and during showings you want to do your best to keep it that way. You want your buyers to feel at home and fall in love. So before you leave the house for a showing, take a few minutes to run through this checklist:

Open All Windows & Turn On All the Lights. Walking into a dark, dimly lit home just doesn’t spark the same amount joy as walking into a light, bright one does.

Put Away All Clutter. This includes the countertops, toys, and pet items. The cleaner the canvas the better buyers can imagine themselves there.

Give It a Quick Clean. Wipe down the countertops and vacuum the floors the morning of, if possible.

Check for Any Odors. Make sure the trash is taken out and the dirty laundry is put up. Avoid simply covering up the odor with air fresheners as some people can be sensitive to these.

Set a Comfortable Temperature. A house that is too hot or too cold can create a bad showing experience for the buyer making them think negatively about your home.

Create an Ambiance. Whether it is lighting the fireplace or turning on some music, make your home as welcoming as possible.

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